Some people say everyone's name are written in the book of life and when you continue in sin, God erases your name from the book of life. In other words, Jesus died for everyone and placed their names in the book of life and it is now up to them to accept the offer of salvation and if they refuse their names will be erased from the book of life. Others also say that if you are born again, and fall into sin, you name will also be erased from the book of life. They use this argument to draw a line through the doctrine of "eternal security of believers," or otherwise stated, "perseverance of the saints." The error of these arguments is a wrong understanding of the term "the book of life" and a confusion of the book of life with the "Lamb's book of life." It is also based on an out of context use and wrong application of the text where these terms are used.
What then is the correct understanding of the "book of life" as used in the Old Testament and the New Testament?
There are two ways in which the Bible makes use of the term "book of life."
The first one is to refer to the book of eternal life. This can be seen mostly in the New Testament in Revelation and in a few other places.
Revelation 20:15 declares, “If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” Revelation 17:8 teaches both eternal security and election of believers. This Book of Life is also mentioned in Revelation 3:5; 20:12; and Philippians 4:3. The Book of Life, in this context, is the set of names of those who were chosen by God before the foundation of the world to be adopted as His children to live with Him forever in heaven (Eph. 1:4,5,11; Rom. 8:29-30). The same book is also called the Lamb’s Book of Life because it contains the names of those who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb who was slain before the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8; 21:27).
How can you be sure your name is written in the Book of Life? Repent of your sin and trust completely in the person and work of Christ for all righteousness (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:5). The only proof of election is repentance and perseverance. Those who are not elected does not repent or falls away after a while. Those who do fall away, were never born again in the first place (1 John 2:9). The Bible actually teach that those who trust in Christ alone, will never be erased from the book of life (Revelation 3:5; Romans 8:37-39). No true believer should doubt his eternal security in Christ unless he continues to live in sin (John 10:28-30)
The second way is when it refers to the physical book of life. In other words, those who are physically alive at a specific time.
For example, Psalm 69:28 says, “Let them [David’s enemies] be blotted out of the book of the living.” This “book of the living” should not be confused with the Lamb’s Book of Life. David is referring to earthly, physical life, not eternal life in heaven. The same is true of the “book” mentioned in Exodus 32:32-33. In these passages God basically said if someone disobeys His laws, He will blot them out from the book of life (the book of the living), meaning they will die. We know there are many Old Testament laws which state if you disobey these laws, you must be put to death (Ex. 31:14; 35:2). Therefore, the verses in this particular context that speaks of being blotted out of the book of life (or living) do not refer to the book of eternal life. God will not break His own plan which He decided upon in eternity past before creation. Every person whose name is written in the book of life will be saved because God said so and His plans cannot be resisted or broken by man. Every person's name in the book of eternal life will be saved and will reach heaven because Jesus died for them as planned by God who chose them in eternity past.
Conclusion: We may, therefore, state that there are two books of life in the Bible with different applications. The one is the book of the living (life) and the other one is the book of eternal life. For your name to be blotted out of the book of the living means to physically die and it does not necessarily mean to be blotted out of the book of eternal life. The second one is the book of (eternal) life and the names in this book was written down by God in eternity past before creation when He chose and predestined the sheep who will belong to Him. He gave their names to Christ in eternity past when the trinity made a covenant that the Son would come to earth to redeem the elect. Those whose names are in the book of life can never be removed. God put them there and He promises through His sovereign grace that they will be saved.
Completely agree with this very good exegesis.
ReplyDeleteDie wat enigsins vir Jaco ernstig opneem is net so dwaas soos hy, ou bulletjie gaan hou jou besig met nonsens en die leuens van satan op ander plekkie. Dis so duidelik soos daglig dat jy min aandag kry by intellegente mense nou kom onderskat jy die kinders van die Here. Jy klink vir my na n groot verraaier met min breinselle tussen jou ore. Gaan speel op n ander plek jou speletjies want ons het regtig nie lus om jou snert te lees nie. Mag God jou dwase optrede vergewe want ek glo nie jy weet wat jy doen nie.
DeleteEk dink jy ken nie regtig jou Bybel nie. Ek gaan nie in detail in gaan nie. Jesus het vir Hom dissipels bymekaar gemaak en gesê gaan verkondig My woord. Hoe kry hulle Sy woord. Deur die Here self wat met hulle praat. Was jy dalk by gewees toe die Here met oom Angus gepraat het dat jy kan sê dit is nie wat die Here vir hom gesê het nie. Oral waar die Here gegaan het, was daar 'n menigte skare. Ek dink jy wat iets goeds wil vat en wil af breek en om mense se hoop en geloof in twyfel wil trek, is die valse profeet wat die mense wil weg lei van ons Hemelse Vader.
DeleteEk gaan net sê: Gaan Lees weer bietjie die boek Jona.God wou Ninevé vernietig. Jona moes hulle gaan sê: so sê die Here.....Wat het gebeur? Hulle het hul sonde bely en hulle bekeer! En God het van plan moet nie sê NIKS wat ons doen kan God van Sy plan (wat dit ookal met ons lewens is) laat afsien nie.
Amen. Dis is dwase soos Jaco wat niks beter het om te doen nie dan vat hy kinders van God aan. Lees maar in die Bybel in die laaste dae sal kinders van God vervolg word. Mense as ek jul kan raad gee, delete sy duiwelse post. Hy soek geselskap en aandag.
DeleteLol ek dink net regtig jy moet n hobbie kry. Ek glo jys baie verveelig om sulke twak te skryf. Daar is niks foud om mense by mekaar te kry om God te aanbid nie.... is dit dan nie wat hulle gedoen het in die Bybelse tye nie?
ReplyDeletekan jy dink as hy al daai tyd wat hy hier spandeer en probeer navors.. Eerder aan God se woord spandeer het sou hy dalk baie dalk op Jesus gekonsentreer het en ni Angus.. kon hy dalk meer betekenisvolle artikel geskryf het. wat Angus doen is tussen hom en Here.. nie tussen Angus en d mensdom nie..... Angus gaan voor God staan.., ni voor d mensdom nie... net soos hierdie skrywer. hoop hy hou dit in gedagte.
ReplyDeleteAlmal kruisig oom Angus... Maar ons almal is verantwoordelik voor God nie voor mens nie. Waarom hou mense hulle self besig met ander in plaas van met God en Sy dinge. Dis uiters belangrik om jou oë op God gevestig te hou want anders begin ons mekaar af te breuk.God bou sy kerk, nie ons nie. En die wat hom wel kritiseer of hy reg is of nie... Wat doen julle vir God en die wereld daar buite?? Werklik as dit is, om ander se foute uit te wys julle Koningkryks bydrae is vir God en die gebroke wereld daar buite dan moet julle dalk die woord gaan lees, en kyk waaroor het dit werklik gegaan. Wanneer die dissipels hierdie mentaliteit gewys het het Jesus duidelik gestel dat wie nie teen ons is nie is vir ons, met ander woorde waarmee bemoei jy jou. As jy voor God staan wat gaan jy vir hom kan gee, jou valse profete wat jy uitgeken het of mense wat radikaal lewensveranderende ervarings gehad het agv jou gehoorsaamheid aan God. Oom Angus het direk verantwoording teenoor God vir as hy iets verkeerd doen. Maar ons wat gaan ons voor verantwoording doen. Ons moet meer versigtig wees as wat oom Angus is, sal ek sê. Want ons gaan voor God moet staan vir elke 'in vain' woord gespreek, en dit nog erger as oom Angus wel deur God se Gees gelei word dan nog meer gevaarlik vir ons want dan draai dit wel baie naby aan om te laster teen die Heilige Gees. Hoe weet jy verseker oom Angus is nie gelei deur die Heilige Gees nie, is dit deur jou analise? Want as God jou self nie besoek en jou gesê het nie, waar kom jou gesag vandaan om hom te kritiseer. Ek weet almal gee opinies en analiseer oom Angus se lewe deur en deur, maar selfs Jesus het dit deurgegaan, en al was Hy onskuldig het hulle hom skuldig bewys. So kan ons leer daar uit. Geen mens was ooit beroemd by God omdat hy iemand se foute uitgewys het nie, maar wel as hy iets vir God se koningkryk gedoen het uit geloof. Ons is ewe verantwoordlik voor God en meer as ons iets wat dalk God se werk was afskiet. Ek vrees dis wat kan gebeur, en as mens mooi gaan lees was die situasie baie naby aan die selfde storie waar Jesus hulle gewaarsku het teen die laster teen die Heilige Gees. Daarom moet ons versigtig wees.
ReplyDeleteJaco jy het niks van Jesus in jou nie. Jy breek mense af. Jy leef in jou eie klein dom google wereld. Word groot as. Weet jy wat God se oor oordeel van mense. Mag God jou vergewe want jy is dwaas.