Sunday, August 23, 2015

Wat is the "kingdom now" movement?

Bill Johnson wrote a book called "When heaven invades earth." From the title of the book, you can pick up what "kingdom now" theology is. It is when God establishes heaven on earth through people. Basically, it is when God uses people to physically take over communities and countries to establish his kingdom rule through transformation. Christians will also be elevated to positions of leadership through media, radio, TV, community forums and government to establish Jesus' rule.

Kingdom Now theology is a theological belief within the Charismatic movement that God is establishing His kingdom right now on earth through believers by taking control of local communities, neighborhoods, and social institutions. The idea that a country, province or local community would be brought under God's authority, is strongly propagated. This is also called the "Jesus movement" or "Jesus culture." It is more of a culture or social movement than true Christianity. It is severed from the person of Christ.

The movement seeks revival through moral transformation and upliftment. They are also strong on moral issues like abortion, sexual immorality, pornography, and homosexuality because it fits well with the transformation of communities through moral restoration. The belief is that, since believers are indwelt by the same Holy Spirit that indwelt Jesus, we have all authority in heaven and on the earth - we have the power to speak things into existence that are not, and thus we can bring about the Kingdom Age. Transformation and restoration are primary themes withing this movement. This movement has infiltrated many denominations and churches. It originated within the charismatic movement that started in the 19th century. It has evolved to a more modernized version, which is sometimes very subtle in its approach.

The main drive is to help transform and reform communities through transformation and upliftment programs. Although many of the things mentioned above is not wrong on its own, this movement is trying to forcefully take communities for Jesus and so establish God's kingdom rule on earth. However, the full culmination of God's kingdom is a future event. Jesus reigns now admits His enemies, in and through His church via the preaching and teaching of the Word of God in its entirety. The Church's mandate is the preaching of the gospel and the disciplining of believers (Matt. 28:19-20). Not transforming communities and taking over the rule and reign in Jesus name. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world" (John 18:36).

The era we live in, is one of Christians that suffer and are persecuted while proclaiming the gospel to the end until Christ come to take us to be with Him forever in a new heaven and earth where God's kingdom will be established. The last days, which is the time from Christ's ascension until His return, will be marked by growing acts of sin, apostasy, and false teaching (2 Tim. 4:1-6). Not restoration and transformation of communities. Christ also commanded his church to rather have a gospel focus as appose to a kingdom now focus. God is building His kingdom by saving people from sin and giving them a new heart to be under the reign of Christ. In this era, before the return of Christ, the kingdom of Christ is about saving people from their sin and the kingdom of darkness through the preaching of the gospel. God is saving people spiritual from sin and placing them in the kingdom of His Son (Col. 1:13). This era is one of gospel proclamation so that the elect can be born again and eternally sealed (2 Tim. 2:10).

We are not to strive towards moral and social transformation and reform - to create God's kingdom on earth. Although we are called to care for the widow and orphan, we do not try to take the world for Christ through social reforms and transformation. God's redemptive plan is different. Revival is not necessarily masses of people that name the name of Jesus in order that Christians become the majority rule to take over communities for Christ. Rather, revival might be as it was in the days of the apostles; a minority group that is committed to the truth of God's Word and proclaiming it to a dark world. The modern trend is masses that name the name of Jesus without any substance of the truth of the Word of God. The modern trend is to focus on any movement big in number, but it is void of gospel truth. The modern trend is to make a visible show as appose to bearing fruit of righteousness - gospel fruit in truth and love.

The dangers of this movement is that it appeal so well to the masses and well meant Christians. It draws them away from the person of Christ because in essence this is a different gospel than what Christ and the apostles preached. It is also a form of moralism that departs from salvation by grace alone (Eph. 2:8). It is based on human will power and effort (Zech. 4:6). It tries to create a brand of Christianity that is tangible and so entice many who are weak and new in the faith. This movement is also characterized by prophets who prophesy about revival and future events. This movement is also part of the revivalist movement where revival is sought on a big scale by transforming communities. This is also characterized by the prayer movement where prayer walks and events are organized as it is believed Christians should fight the forces of darkness and so take over communities for Jesus.

The idea is to establish God's heavenly kingdom on earth. This is done very subtly through physical transformation. Instead, God’s plan is to transform the hearts of people and fill them with His Spirit. In this way, they will become part of the reign and rule of Christ. God is transforming hearts. This means many Christians might even remain in poverty and difficult circumstances without receiving the full future blessing of the new heaven and earth. Christians might get sick and even die. We will only be completely delivered from this sinful body and world when Christ returns to establish His eternal kingdom when we will receive a new sinless and perfect body. Only then will all rule be under Christ in a new world where no unbelieving people will be present. True conversion is not concerned with the deliverance from personal circumstances; it is concerned with the honor of God and the cleansing from the stain of sin.

Again, things like prayer by itself is not wrong, but it is abused for the furthering of this movements agendas. The prayer-marches is creating a brand of Christianity that is tangible. Hebrew roots are also woven into this movement and you will see things like shofars and certain traditional Jewish clothing and attire on prayer marches. Hebrew roots are also strong on transformation as it believes God's people is still a physical people that must take over this world and establish His visible kingdom rule. This movement has evolved into a very subtle and appealing movement and is very popular today. Churches are influenced by this movement and Radio, TV, magazines, community forums and schools are used as transformation vehicles. This movement also fits well with the politics of our day, which has transformation as their buzzword.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wat beteken "God is soewerein?"

Die Bybel openbaar 'n God wat alles weet, bestuur en self doen. Hy wag nie vir die mens of engele om te reageer nie. Hy het alles haarfyn beplan en maak seker alles gebeur volgens daai plan. Veral Sy verlossingsplan is aan Hom bekend en onder Sy beheer. Daar is geen verassings vir Hom nie. Niks sal daai plan verander nie. Niks van daai plan was onbekend aan die drie-enige God voor Hy geskep het nie. Alles, selfs sonde, is instrumente in Sy hand om Sy goeie plan tot uitvoering te bring. Mense soos Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Obama, Puttin, ens, is almal, gelowig of ongelowig, instrumente in die hand van God. Die besluite wat hul neem is reeds aan God bekend nog voor die aarde geskep is. Almal se keuses en besluite is in God se raadsplan voorbeskik. Niks gebeur wat God nie reeds weet en opgeskryf het nie. Niks is aan Hom 'n verassing nie.

Jy sit hier met 'n meesterbrein bo enige menslike denke wat op elke denkbare plek teenwoordig is in een oomblik en oor alle tye presies elke molekule beheer ooreenkomstig Sy plan. Hy doen dit sonder om die vrye wil van die mens weg te neem en dat Hy die outeur van sonde is. Dit is mense wat uit eie keuse moor en bose dinge doen, maar dit is alles voorbeskik en toegelaat in God se raadsplan om Sy goeie wil te vore te bring. Voorbeelde hiervan is Josef se lewe. Hy is weggevoer deur 'n bose plan van sy broers se kant af, maar God het dit voorbeskik en toegelaat om te gebeur sodat Sy wil sal geskied. Daarom kon Josef op die einde van sy lewe bely: "Moenie bevrees wees nie; want is ek in die plek van God? Want júlle het wel kwaad teen my bedink, maar God het dit ten goede gedink om te doen soos dit vandag is, om ’n groot volk in die lewe te hou" (Gen. 50:19-20).

God doen dit op 'n misterieuse bomenslike manier wat ons nie verstaan nie en dit maak Hom God. Hy beïnvloed en beweeg menslike keuses, diere en die kosmos op so manier dat mense uit vrye wil keuses maak wat Hy gewil het nog voor die skepping. Die konsep is onmoontlik vir ons om empiries te ontleed en verklaar. Dit is 'n geestelike konsep wat deur 'n soewereine God self uitgewerk word. Dit is nie 1+1=2 nie. Dit maak wel logies sin op plekke maar ons kan nie verklaar hoe God dit doen sodat die mens nog steeds vrye wil het en verantwoordelik is vir sy keuses nie. Hy voer Sy plan uit sonder om ons keuses en verantwoordelikheid weg te neem. Dit is net die alwyse en alomteenwoordige God wat so iets kan doen. Ons kan dit nie verstaan nie. God se planne en gedagtes is nie logiese verklaarbaar nie. Daar is sekere dinge wat die Bybel sê wat ons moet aanvaar en nie gaan verklaar nie. Ons sal dit moet glo omdat God, God is. Dawid stel dit so: "Hoe kosbaar is dan vir my u gedagtes, o God! Hoe geweldig is hulle volle som nie! Wil ek hulle tel, hulle is meer as die sand; word ek wakker, dan is ek nog by U" (Ps. 138:17-18). Paulus stel dit so: "O, DIEPTE van die rykdom en wysheid en kennis van God! Hoe ondeurgrondelik is sy oordele en onnaspeurlik sy weë! Want wie het die gedagte van die Here geken, of wie was sy raadsman gewees?" (Rom. 11:33).