Sunday, April 10, 2016

A Testimony about God's amazing grace to save homosexuals and restore them to a Godly marriage!

A facebook friend whom I befriended a couple of months ago got married this weekend. She was a "Christian" lesbian until the Lord saved her four years. Please read this wonderful testimony she wrote 7 hours before her marriage. I share this with her permission.

You can read more about her on her Facebook page: Emily (Sutterfield) Thomes

Emily Thomes writes: "Two years ago today I woke up with no idea what the day had in store for me. I was slave to my sins, dead in my trespasses; I had no desire for the God of the Bible, only the one I had created in my head who didn't mind if I lived in constant sin while professing to know Him. But God, rich in mercy, intervened on this day and brought me to life and into His light by His grace alone. He gave me eyes to see my sin for what it was- a barrier between Him and me, enslaving me to it and causing me nothing but turmoil and pain. The sin I had cherished in my heart- homosexuality, drugs, drunkenness, pride, unrighteous anger, lying, etc etc- was all I cared I about. I pretended to love God but my life showed I didn't care for Him at all. In a moment, He allowed me to see there was a massive disconnect between my head and my heart. I realized I was a fake Christian and that my profession of faith would not save me. He also granted me eyes to see Him for who He was- a holy, just, loving, righteous King who was worthy of all of my heart and life, not only the parts that I chose to spare. This began my journey of walking with the Lord. Its been a painful, stressful, beautiful, wonderful ride. I've seen people come to the faith alongside me. I've seen people I had such confidence in fall away showing they weren't of us at all. I've lost loved ones that I'll never forget. I've met people that have forever changed my life. One of the many people that I've met in the last two years, the most impactful relationship I've had or am sure to ever have, is that of Benjamin Benjamin Thomes. I was Facebook friends with his mom, Trish Trish Parker, and loved her posts and the comments she would leave on mine. One day she messaged me and told me about her son. Never did I imagine that he would be the Ben I know and love today. She was right; he loves the Lord, we are really like minded, and he is a sweetheart. smile emoticon From the moment we met, we both knew this was going to be something. Ben's best man, Caden, told me last night about the conversation he had with Ben after our first date; Caden said, "I didn't know he was interested in anyone. Then he was like, 'This is the most godly girl I've ever met. She's amazing'." The first thing I told my mom about Ben is that I was going to marry him. He was the most special, 'different,' godly, handsome man I had ever seen in my life. Only a perfectly wise and sovereign God could've orchestrated this love. Today, two years free from the chains of sin and death, I'm being granted to marry the love of my life. Beginning today, I will be Mrs. Benjamin Thomes, wife to the most godly and sincere man I know. May God be glorified through our union. None of this would exist, not our marriage but better, not us at all, if not for His hand. I can look back and see clearly that He's been here all along, working all things to the counsel of His will; I don't deserve to have such a place in that will. Both Ben and myself would consider ourselves some of the worst of sinners and yet, today, because of His love for broken people, He has us joining together in covenant marriage before all of our family and friends. What an amazing God we serve!

We're getting married in just over 7 hours!"


  1. This has GOT to be one of the most powerful testimonies of redemption thru the healing power of the work of Jesus I have ever read...
    Thank you for posting. It's awesome...

  2. AMEN, I had a Gay son and I want parents to NOT reject or judge their children when they report to be gay Please just keep on praying as the LORD GOD is always in CHARGE I prayed for almost 22 years for my son and our LORD GOD came through for him Today he is happily married man and his spouse is well informed about his past I just want to praise the Lord for miracles We as children on God was not put on this earth to judge and turn people away but we are there to support them
