Our country is plagued with racism and violence in recent months. One of the movements which stands in the middle of this is the "FEESMUSTFALL movement. The movement is trying to get free education to help poor black students who cannot afford university fees. Black people has been disadvantaged through apartheid, which made it very difficult for many black children and students to enter tertiary institutions due to a lack of funds and circumstances. Equally, some tertiary institutions has remained inaccessible and unaffordable to many black students due to a lack of reform and cost. This has sparked the #FEESMUSTFALL movement. As a layperson it is difficult for me to analyse the real motives behind this movement in general because of the distance I find myself from the universities. However, I fully understand and support reforms of our tertiary institutions based on the facts I stated above. However, with this movement a lot of violence and racism has emerged. The most vile and hateful things are said. Two groups has emerged from the movement. Those who really struggle and plead for help, but no one is listening to them. The other group wants a revolution and war. Both fight under the same banner, but it appears that the second group wants more than just for fees to fall. There actions and speech is racially motivated. Slogans like, "I hate all whites," "Kill all whites" and "We want a revolution" is heard and seen among them. But the other group wants to peacefully make their grievances known. They cry for help and to be heard. Sadly they are not heard because the current government is busy enriching themselves and wasting so much money. I must also admit they do not get the ear of most of society because of the picture we see through the media. Justifiably, it must also be said that little is seen and heard from those who want to work for a better South Africa. It is high time that they distance themselves from those who hate and want a revolution.
With these fellow South Africans #iSTAND. With the rest who speak hate and practice destruction, I distance myself. I do not want to know them. With these I will unite whoever they are. Why? Because the Bible teach me to practice righteousness and justice. To practice peace and love. "To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8). BECAUSE IT IS MURDER according to the LAW OF GOD to even say "idiot" to your neighbour (Matt. 5:21-22). Christians should promote and practice these things and condemn injustices, murder, hate, violence and unrest. The Bible further teach me to be a law abiding citizen and submit to the authorities. The least I can say of some of the things I saw and heard. There are real students like these who are honest and who has a real problem and my heart cry and bleeds for them. But others cannot function without hate and revolution. I have seen the most hateful and hurtful things said. Like, "I hate all whites. All whites must be killed." These words come out of some of the prominent leader's mouths. How any Christian can condone or side with this I do not know. God hates it therefore I reject it. Similarly does God hates apartheid, racism and discrimination, and therefore I reject it. Some of the things I saw and heard, I reject as utter lawlessness and rebellion, which is a gross sin in the eyes of God. I dare not or even consider to condone or understand it because God allow no one to behave like this. NEVER!! But the ones in this article wants to build a country.
The government has failed them and with them we must #STAND for a better and equal South Africa. Apartheid has destroyed their lives and we must work together to give them the opportunities they missed. BUT..not everything today is all apartheid and white people's fault. There are many corporate companies who give to make a difference. My company invite black students to our building weekly and give and train them for free. We give bursaries and a lot of money for development of black children. There are many white South Africans who practice giving to black children. I myself make it my daily practice to love and respect black people. To help where I can. Lets be fair and condemn fairly. After 22 years so much crime and corruption has been committed by the black ANC government which affected black children that was born 22 years ago. So much money was wasted for personal gain which could have been spent on many areas to improve the lives of black children. To blame everything on white people is just not truthful and honest. We have come a long way up to this point. Let us look fairly at the situation. Always condemning one group in the most vile language is breaking God's laws and creates new hate.
You can read this article for more photo's and stories from those whom we must support and take a #iSTAND with. https://www.goodthingsguy.com/opinion/vigil-cape-peninsula-university-stand-together/
Thursday, October 20, 2016
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