Thursday, September 24, 2020

Kwasizabantu: Christian Mission or Cult?

Over the last few weeks a popular news service in South Africa opened up an investigation they did with damning information about a popular mission in South Africa. They labeled them as a cult.

What should we make of these allegations? Is Kwasizabantu Mission (KSB) a cult? Below are some information from a Christian perspective that might shed some light on these questions.

The audio clip below is from Eugen Olsen, the grandson of Heino Stegen (brother of Erlo Stegen). He grew up on the mission. He is now a member at Grace Fellowship Church in Pretoria. I chatted with him over the phone and he gave me permission to share this voice note with people. He is busy counselling many people who came out of KSB.

Eugen Olsen talking on Kwasizabantu

The audio clip below is from Johan Bekker confessing his blindness for 28 years and being accomplice of the hurt Kwasizabantu caused in people's lives. He points out that what they preach and practice is not the biblical gospel.

Johan Bekker on Kwasizabantu

This article below is from Dr Peet Botha who did his PhD at Potchefstroom University. He was also involved with Kwasizabantu for a long time. He concludes that KSB is indeed a cult. He evaluates their leadership from a biblical perspective.

Dr Peet Both on Kwasizabantu

The below book was written by Albert Pilon. For fourteen long years Albert Pilon was one of the leaders of the Kwasizabantu Mission in the Netherlands. In 2002 he resigned from the leadership. Ultimately, having serious doubts about its theology of revival, he left the movement, determined to seek answers to his questions. He interviewed dozens of former members who had left the movement at various times. The testimonies of their experiences formed a coherent picture, fitting together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

Dr Peet Botha has written an article in which he exposes the leadership of KSB as dictators and manipulative. He writes, "The power of the KSB cult is phenomenal. The blind faith in the leaders of KSB is destructive to many adherents. The absolute mind control, social isolation, religious programming, idolization of leaders, economic, sexual, and other exploitations of KSB members so prevalent at KSB and yet, not seen or understood by current residing members, is mind-boggling to say the least." You can read his full report in the article below.

A church investigation was already conducted in 2000 with damning details of what is happening at KSB. The panel consisted of various churches and church leaders. Some of their concluding points were: "The evidence brought before us in the past few months has led us to believe that KSB is not in totality what it might claim or might appear to be at face value to the Christian public. Extensive testimony points to the existence of a questionable system “within” Kwa Sizabantu. The overwhelming evidence leads us to believe that Kwa Sizabantu is in danger of developing a cult-like behaviour, in seeing itself as an exclusive way, in seeking control over people by misusing authority, and manipulating people through confession and other questionable practices which has created an environment of unquestioning submission to the KSB leadership." You can read the full report in the article below.

The below links are some of the reports that surfaced after an investigation by News24.

Claims of gross human rights violations at KwaSizaBantu
KZN social development dept vows to follow up on allegations

The information is damning and it would seem that Kwasizabantu has indeed turned into a cult.

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