A year ago, I was asked by a Muslim friend what my church was doing in response to pride month. At the time I said that we were faithfully preaching the word. This is something that I still wholeheartedly believe, because it is through the preaching of the word that the Christian is equipped to be more Christlike, and this is how he changes society. However, over the year I have thought about what that would look like in my day to day living and now that the month of rainbows is upon us once again here are 5 areas of Christian living that I think are essential in winning this battle.1) Love your wife (Eph 5:25-29).As the God ordained head of the household, I need to be committed to loving and leading my wife, to be gracious and gentle with her and to keep Christ the central focus of my covenant commitments. Marriage is a key building block of society (Gen 1:28) so if we want to influence our society, we need to do it here.2) Raise your children in the fear and knowledge of the Lord (Deut 6:7).As a Christian parent I need to disciple and educate my children in the fear and knowledge of the Lord. This command goes beyond just dropping them off at Sunday school and doing devotions in the evenings, I am to disciple them. This is why we home-school in our household, not to merely keep them away from the nonsense that the world teaches but to disciple them using a God centered Christ exalting curriculum. Children are a heritage from the Lord (Psa 127:3) and if we want to leave a legacy for future generations, we need to do it here.3) Serve as a member in a sound biblical local church (Rom 12:6-8).As a Christian church member, I am to use my gifts and to serve the bride of Christ. Christ has a deep love for his church and as he builds the church and reigns over her, change will be affected in the world (Matt 13:31-32). If we want to be salt and light to our communities, we need to do it here.4) Preach the gospel.As a Christian saved by the grace of God, I am commanded to proclaim the gospel to all people until my saviour returns. Our problem is not pride month, trans activists or sexual immorality. Our problem is sin, and all these other things are mere symptoms of that sin (Jas 1:14-15). If we want to see people turn from their wicked ways, we need to be preaching the gospel and praying that the Lord would open their eyes to the truth.5) Pray for your leaders (1 Tim 2:1-2) As a Christian citizen I am commanded to live peaceably under the law and pray for my leaders. It is God who appoints our rulers over us (Rom 13:1) and if we want to see a change in our national policy then pray for Gods judgement upon wicked rulers and ask him to be merciful and give us righteous ones.Finally Christian, if you are waxing lyrical about the sanctity of marriage and the problems wrought by the sexual revolution during 1 month of the year but are then neglecting these things for the other 11 then you have already lost. The truth is that faithful biblical living always trumps activism, so, my advice over this time is to get your house in order, work on being faithful to the commands of scripture and to trust in the providence and safekeeping of the Lord.
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Pride month: What should Christians do? Here is a few suggestions.
It's that time of the year again, PRIDE month. And so, we are bombarded with LGBTQIA+ pictures and slogans on social media from big corportaes, retail stores, news outlets, etc., to be more inclusive and to embrace the LGBTQIA+ community. Culture is pressing Christians more and more into a corner. How should we deal with the time we live in? A friend, Colan Wyatt-Goodall, wrote the below and he makes 5 points, which lays a good biblical foundation for cultural engagement by Christians.
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