Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Human Sexuality as derived from Scripture

In this two part video series Dr. Robert Gagnon explains that the foundation of human sexual is found in Genesis 1:27 and Genesis 2:24. There is a close connection between being created male and female and being made in the image of God. What that means is that what we do sexually can threaten to either enhance or efface the image of God that is stamped on our being. This is a masterful exposition of the biblical texts concerning human sexuality (and homosexuality in particular) by the world's foremost scholar on the subject.

Dr. Robert Gagnon is Associate Professor of New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.

God's Design for Human Sexual Behavior - Dr. Robert Gagnon - Pt 1 from Pure Passion on Vimeo.

God's Design for Human Sexual Behavior - Dr. Robert Gagnon - Pt 2 from Pure Passion on Vimeo.

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