Saturday, November 7, 2015

Homoseksualiteit en die Christelike geloof: Wat is die hoop van die evangelie? Dr. Rosaria Butterfield verduidelik!

Dr. Rosaria Butterfield is 'n wedergebore Christen wat bevry is van haar "LGBT" lewenstyl deur die krag van die evangelie (Rom. 1:16). LGBT staan vir "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender". In 'n onderhoud wat deur "Ligonier Ministries" met haar gevoer is, verduidelik sy hoe die kerk en Christene moet reageer teenoor die LGBT gemeenskap en wat die hoop van die evangelie is?

Ek haal die kern punte hieronder aan wat tydens die onderhou aangeraak is. Hier is die YouTube skakel na die onderhoud. (

  • "Briefly share how you came to know the Lord." (0-5:46)
  • "Do homosexual desires immediately go away upon conversion?" (8:10)
  • "I was not converted out of homosexuality, I was converted out of unbelief." (10:35)
  • "Original Sin distorts us." (11:00)
  • "Indwelling Sin manipulates us." (11:25)
  • "A good question to ask ourselves when we are trying to minister to people in LGBT community is, "Am I reflecting a life of repentance?" (11:46)
  • "What is the hope of the gospel?" (13:13)
  • "The gospel is not a moral makeover." (13:26)
  • "Could you explain why a term like sexual orientation is not helpful?" (16:50)
  • "Sin distorts people; Sin deceives people." (21:10)
  • "Homosexuality is a sin to be mortified; not a behavior to be modified." (22:21)
  • "We are born this way; we are all born in Adam. We are all born distorted by original sin." (26:10)
  • "That guilt and corruption created three levels of war: One; we are at war with God. Two; we are born at war with each other. Three; we are born at war with ourselves." (29:50)
  • "Christians are labeled bigots or homophones. What is behind that thinking?" (33:10)
  • "There are some in the church that focus on love and less so on truth. What do you say to those churches?"  (43:50)
  • "What do you tell Christian parents? What counsel or advise do you give them? (those who's children has come out confession being gay). (50:20)
  • "Do we speak to young children about homosexuality?" (52:19)
  • "What is the message you want the LGBT community to hear at the close of this interview?" (58:42)

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