What I am writing now might not be something I like to do and might cause some anger. Secondly, I might be wrong in some ways because of blind-spots or a lack of understanding on my part. For that I would like to apologise in advance and would seek to know them and ask Christ to change me.
We had our municipal elections yesterday (3 August 2016). I am puzzled. I was disturbed to see Christians condoning and partaking in hate-speech and anger of some political parties by voting for them and I was wondering what does the Bible mean when it says if you say "raca" or think derogatory thoughts about other people, that you commit murder. Jesus said, "But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, 'Raca,' or "you fool," is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell" (Matt. 5:22). Jesus has raised the bar for murder to something different than how the world perceive it. According to Jesus, murder is not just the physical act of killing someone, but that which comes from our heart as expressed in our thoughts and speech.
Are Christians condoning murder???? Are we voting for murder???? If we confess Sola Scriptura, does it influence our lives even to the level of politics and who we vote for???? I kept quiet, but feels this is something we as Christians must talk about. How can we support persons and parties that are openly encouraging violence, murder, racism and hate. Julius Malema is on record that He wants whites out and will solve matters over the barrel of a gun???? The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is openly propagating violence and hate. Julius Malema even has a few cases of personal violence open against him. Their behaviour over the last few months confirms their hateful attitude. Are we as Christians, black and white, condoning violence, hate, anger, racism and murder? Why do we support that? Where does the Lordship of Christ and the rule of Scripture comes in. I find this contradictory.
When we speak about false teaching and others, we call upon Scripture. But when we do politics it does not matter. What does Scripture means when it tells us to imitate Christ who did not retaliate against or revile His enemies (1 Pet. 2:23; Phil. 2:3-8). Why do we condone hate speech? Why do we condone inequality against black or white? Why do we not condone murder and hate-speech against any image bearer of God - irrespective of their race? Why do we condone and partake by voting for these parties and persons who promote murder and hate? Should the Lordship of Christ and Scripture not extend to all parts of our lives?
I have been hearing and seeing verbal attacks against white privilege, but I have not seen the same people speaking out against the corruption and hate of both the African National Congress (ANC) and EFF. I have not seen the same people speaking out against abortion, which most of the parties condone including the Democratic Alliance (DA), EFF and ANC. Abortion is murder and so is hate speech. I know there have been others speaking out fairly on all fronts and this might sound like an unfair sweeping statement against you. Please forgive and bear with me. I do not mean it against those who have been speaking out against all forms of corruption, hate-speech, racism and murder.
I acknowledge white privilege and that it has advantaged me above other people in the way I grew up. I fully support fair and just efforts to correct this and give those who have stayed behind opportunities to grow and develop in the same way as I did, but I do not support it being done in a hateful and revengeful way. That is not how the Bible teach us to address and correct things. Everything should be done in love and we should uphold the law of God to love God with all our heart and our neighbour as ourselves (Luke 10:27). I admit racism is murder and sin. I hate it and have repented completely of it. But the law of God stands over all sin, not just white privileged and apartheid. I reject any party that condones racism and murder in any form. I reject all forms of murder and injustices. All Christians, black, white and coloured from any race, should uphold the law of God and Scripture fairly in all spheres of life. We as Christians, who are born again and united in Christ, should be very careful in what we partake that may damage the body of Christ in any way. Christ has bought the church with His blood and united His people in one body (Acts 20:28; Eph. 2:14-16). We dare not damage what Christ has created and paid for with His own blood. As Christians we should value our heavenly nationality and culture above our earthly nationality and culture. This does not mean our earthly nationality and culture is not important, but it is not equal or above our heavenly calling. The body of Christ stands above our earthly nationality and should be guarded and honoured as such. We dare not disrespect and devalue the blood and body of Christ by our political affiliations.
Please forgive me and allow me to ask these questions as a fellow Christian and brother in Christ.
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